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Viva Decor

Viva Decor Concrete Beton for Creatives, Grey, 1.5 kg

Viva Decor Concrete Beton for Creatives, Grey, 1.5 kg

Regular price $36.98 USD
Regular price $54.57 USD Sale price $36.98 USD
Sale Sold out

77 total reviews


  • The fine-grained, quick-drying and low-dust casting material is simply mixed with water
  • Concrete for Creatives can be moulded into any shape imaginable and especially into thin-walled decorative items
  • Instructions included

Casting concrete for creative people

Casting concrete for creative people

Crafting with the creative concrete for casting - Create unique decorative & home objects.

With our creative concrete you can cast your own ideas into shape! With it, you can make individual flower vases, candle holders, bowls, coasters, pendants and much more in no time at all. Simply mix the concrete powder with water, pour it into a desired shape, for example, and get trendy unique pieces in the trendy concrete look!

The perfect complement

The perfect complement

The special color pastes Inka Gold or Maya Gold enhance any concrete object!

Flower vases

Flower vases

Creative Concrete is particularly fine-grained and therefore perfectly suited for designing thin- and thick-walled objects.



It's also low in dust - so you can get creative indoors without worrying.

Bowls (indoor and outdoor)

Bowls (indoor and outdoor)

What also makes the concrete for pouring special is its weather resistance - the poured concrete is weatherproof after drying - perfect for outdoor concrete decoration in the garden!



With the modeling clay air-drying, you can easily implement creative ideas, such as the production of flower pots.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 77 reviews
Ursula Troschke

Der Beton lässt sich super verarbeiten.

Ingeborg Seibt
Decor Beton

konnte noch nicht damit arbeiten, da ich keinen Garten habe muß ich noch ein wenig warten. Bin mir sicher er ist gut!

Kajsa Mellbrand
Något grynig för finare arbeten

Om det är gjutning av finare saker som tunna prydnadsföremål man vill använda denna till (vilket jag gjort), så är den tyvärr grynigare och med mer struktur än andra liknande produkter på marknaden. Vill man däremot inte att det ska vara helt slätt utan ha lite struktur så funkar den som utlovat. Plus för bra blandningsinstruktioner med mått, inte bara vikt.


Der Beton ist für Einsteiger gut geeignet. Ich habe mit Silikonformen gearbeitet. Laut Anleitung war mir die Masse zum Gießen dann jedoch zu fest. Mit etwas mehr Wasser verdünnt um ihn zu gießen hat der Qualität keinen Abriss getan!

Très bien

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